Gyanendra Lamichhane
Associate Professor
Lumbini Eye Institute
Dr Gyanendra Lamichhane is practicing ophthalmology since 8 years.He has completed his MD from nepal in 2009 in first class first position with Gold Medal.He has completed ICO fellowship in Retina from Gunma university japan and Phaco training from tottori university Japan.Till now he has done more than 20,000 sight saving surgeries .He is associate professor of opthalmology.He has already been director of one of the charitable hospital in Nepal. He has conducted more than 20 free Diabetic Retinopathy Screening camps .He has more than 8 papers published in national and international journals.He is life member of Nepal Ophthalmic society,All India Ophthalmic Society,Macular Society UK and Macular Disease foundation Australia.
Research Interest
Phacoemulsification, Diabetic Retinopathy and AMD